
The British Porphyria Association (BPA) is a small UK charity which aims to support people with porphyria. As a small charity, we are always seeking volunteers to help support our aims.
Why volunteer?
There are many reasons why people volunteer to be involved with charities such as the BPA. Most of us in the BPA want to help others with the same condition as ourselves or as our family member. We have often fought alone for many years and don’t want others to have to do the same.
The nature of being involved with supporting patients is very fulfilling personally, but volunteering can also have many benefits for you. It may be a way to find out about something that you are good at or develop a new skill. Volunteers typically have an improved sense of well-being and physical and emotional health as a result of their contribution to society, no matter what the size.
Meeting a diverse range of people is another benefit of volunteering, whether it is the people that are being helped or the people with whom you are working. This can help to develop interpersonal skills and offers a great chance to network.
What does the BPA expect from you?
Time commitment
It is hoped that BPA Committee and Trustees will attend at least one face-to-face and at least three virtual meetings per year to keep up to date with current developments. This means devoting the necessary time and effort to prepare for meetings where necessary, including reading past minutes. It is hoped that BPA Committee members will contribute expertise to at least one element of the charity’s undertakings each year, whether that be fundraising, advocacy, administration or taking part in a Working Group.
Volunteers or freelancers not on the Committee or Trustee Board may have other suggested commitments in line with the skills that they bring to the organisation and tasks they are involved in. This can be flexible according to what you feel able to do.
The BPA expects all BPA volunteers to possess the following:
- Empathy and understanding
- An ability to listen and be non-judgmental
- An ability to be objective, honest and able to deal with issues of a confidential nature
- A commitment to the aims of the BPA and the BPA’s policies and procedures
- Good communication skills and experience of team working
- Ability to use email and IT efficiently
What can you expect from the BPA?
You can expect the BPA to always behave in a professional manner towards others. Any problematic issues should be dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner by the BPA.
While the role of volunteer/committee member/trustee of the BPA is voluntary and no remuneration is to be expected, you can expect legitimate out-of-pocket expenses to be reimbursed in accordance with the BPA’s expenses policy.
If you are interested in volunteering to help the BPA, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you: