AGM and Autumn Conference - 10 Sept 2011 - British Porphyria Association
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AGM and Autumn Conference – 10 Sept 2011

The BPA is holding its AGM and Autumn Conference in Shirley, Birmingham, on Saturday 10th September, 2011.

It is at Shirley Methodist Church, about 3 miles south of the centre of Birmingham, on the A34. It is  2 ½ miles (10 minutes) north from junction 4 of the M42. There is a car park behind, and there are buses which go past the church.

It will start at 2pm, with a brief AGM, and then have talks on porphyria by medical experts and patients.

It will include a buffet tea, and a chance to talk to others with porphyria.

If you would like to come, please let us know, in one of the usual ways (letter, phone, email or online) to help with catering numbers.