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Autumn Conference and AGM in London, on Saturday 24 October 2015

Our Autumn Conference and AGM will be hosted by Dr Sarkany, who is one of the most experienced dermatologists on EPP and other skin porphyrias in the UK.  It will be at Guys and St Thomas’ York Road Education Centre in central London (near Waterloo Station) on Saturday 24 October. The meeting will start with refreshments and registration at 10.30am for an 11am start, a light lunch will be provided in the middle of the programme and refreshments will be served to finish at 3pm.

We are still planning this event with the help of Dr Sarkany, who will also be a speaker. The BPA will hold a brief AGM and the following speakers will be in attendance as well as Dr Sarkany: a representative from Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a representative from Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, a window film company and two porphyria patients.

We are looking into options that will help to create access to all of our members, whether in the form of a Live Twitter Feed or through videoing the speakers.