Notice of AGM, 2004 - British Porphyria Association
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Notice of AGM, 2004

Date: Sunday 24th October 2004

Time: 2pm – 5.30pm

Place: Shirley Methodist Church , Birmingham

Shirley is on the eastern edge of Solihull , about 5 miles south of central Birmingham .

The church is on the main A34 into Birmingham , 10 minutes – 2½ miles – north from junction 4 of the M42. It is on the is on the right hand side of the A34 (Stratford Road) as you come up from the M42, immediately beyond Solihull Road.   A car park is behind the church and is accessed via Solihull Road.

We will be pleased to welcome Dr Alex Holme, who is currently working on research into liver disease in EPP patients. He will give a short talk about his research.

There is a considerable change this year to the committee of the BPA, so we will be voting in the new committee. Come along and meet the new committee members.

Following the formal AGM there will be informal discussions and a chance to talk to other members.