Purple for Porphyria posters

On this page you will find downloadable posters and graphics in different formats you can use to promote Purple for Porphyria day in your school, communities, and online.

In our template letter to schools, we suggested some key dates to hold your event on: Rare Disease Day (29 Feb 2024), Porphyria Awareness Week (11-18 May 2024), Global Porphyria Day (18 May 2024). If you would like a personalised poster showing the date you plan to hold a Purple for Porphyria day in your community, please contact us to register your event.

On a purple background, text reads "Wear Purple for Porphyria. Help us raise vital funds for families affected by rare disease. £1 donation." There are illustrations of purple jumpers, trousers and clothes dotted around the text. The BPA logo is in the bottom right corner.